So many lies!
2001-11-05 | 10:57 p.m.

I keep lying to people to get out of stuff! Hehe. Ok, well that's an exaggeration, but I did tell 2 lies today:

1) To my form tutor that I had a doctor's appointment in the afternoon, so I had to go home at lunch.

2) To my boss that the reason I was late for work was because the car wouldn't start and that I'd ended up having to walk.

I was meant to start work at 5.15. I ended up going to sleep when I got in from school, and not waking up til 5.00, which gave me a total of 15 minutes to get changed and ready for work, plus a 25 minute walk to get there. Shit.

I practically ran all the way there, and got there at 25 past and then bumped into my boss as I was clocking in, so I told him the excuse, and said in my most sincerest voice, "I'm *really* sorry," He bought it and said it was fine though. Phew.

Then when I got in I was talking to Paul on the phone for ages. He's coming round later tonight.

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