2002? Doesn't feel like it...
2002-01-02 | 10:33 p.m.

I spent all day yesterday asleep (I think) and then woke up and then went back to sleep again after sort of watching Shakespeare In Love. Yes, it's a life of excitement I lead!...

I went over to see Hannah Cato today. I haven't seen her since August, which is pretty bad because we are meant to be very good friends. It's just difficult with her not being at the same school as me, and me working on Sundays, and us being busy and exams and stuffe. It was a lot easier when she just lived 4 doors away from me. We used to see each other EVERY single day. That was cool. But she moved when I was 13, and our contact with each other has been dwindling a bit, recently.

She's a bit of a wildchild though really. I have no idea why we're friends because we have absolutely nothing in common with each other. She likes garage music and stuffe, always in trouble at school and skiving, really nasty to her family, and into shoplifting in a big way. And the silly girl accepts lifts home off men she hardly knows after a night out. She got assaulted by one on New Year's Eve, but she's not going to do anything about it. I told her she'd end up dead if she carried on like this. :(

So that's all I did today really. Anyway, it was good to see her after such a long time. I've just spent the evening erm.. watching the Simpsons and the Weakest Link, and STILL texting Barry. Oh, and I plucked my eyebrows a bit too. Bloody hurt...

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