Do you feel my love? Do you feel it as I walk away?
2002-02-06 | 9:42 p.m.

And yet another entry in which I have nothing to say. So let's just fill this awkward silence with, erm, nothingness...

But I have Mario Bros icons! :D All thanks to Teq!

I talked to him on messenger earlier. Hadn't in ages. Realised how much I'd missed him. I suppose it makes you realise how real Internet people actually are. Am I jabbering shite again? Should I shut up? Yes...

Double Sex & The City soon. I sooooooooo love that programme. And the star of the show shares my name! Well kinda.

Sorry about this dull entry, or as I would say if I was French, je suis desolé.

Parent's evening tomorrow. Erk...

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