leaver's ball
2002-05-18 | 7:30 a.m.

I feel sick. Absolutely bloody awful in fact. That's the problem when each of your teachers (and even some that haven't taught you) offer to buy everyone in your class a drink.

Oh yeah, it was my leaver's ball if you hadn't gathered by now. I was a bit worried I wouldn't enjoy it, as I feel more at home in jeans and trainers than I do in an £150 ball gown. Yup.

I told myself I would be drinking in moderation - hahahahahahahahhahahahahaha. Ha! I gave it a go but it just wasn't me ;) I did end up getting slightly drunk, probably because of my mixing of drinks and the fact I had not had an alcoholic beverage since last Saturday (cripes!).

It really was a good night. I don't know why people were crying at the end though - we still have a whole week of school left. I remember trying to comfort Kelly by telling her we have sociology on Monday. Hehe.

One of the highlights of the evening was this girl (who I shall not name because I'm not mean like that)'s dress, which was the most comical thing I ever did see. Never have I seen such a meringue in all my life! It looked like she would have felt more at home in a knickerbocker glory ice cream dessert.

Anyway, I'll stop with my bitching as everyone there did indeed look very glamorous, even though a couple of girls decided to rebel and wear trousers.

Ooh, I can feel my hangover starting to lift a bit :)

Don't know if I can face going out tonight though. I doubt I would be drinking if I did and I refuse to go to any nightclub whilst sober.

My sunburn is starting to turn brown. Yay.

Anyways I'm off. Ta ra!

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