fuck off
2002-06-28 | 6:43 p.m.

I'm in a pissed off mood. Do not approach. I repeat, do not approach.

Additional information: I have a new addiction - Trisha. She's like a soft core Jerry Springer, and her guests tend to be not so "Talk to the hand". They're still as lame as their American counterparts though.

Other news: I broke a corkscrew trying to open a bottle of wine. Just how the fuck do they work? I screwed it in, tried to pull the arms down and nothing happened. So I yanked harder and one of its arms broke off. Then I got reeeeeally mad and gave it multiple stab wounds with a knife causing millions of bits of cork to go into the bottle, so when I do finally get round to opening it I will be drinking bitty wine. I am now drinking a bottle of Sainsbury's "Cerveza" (that's pronounced "Thervaytha" to you non-Spaniards out there) instead.

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