2002-08-10 | 7:37 p.m.

Do you know how shit I am at ironing?


I actually managed to iron MORE creases into my shirt than there were to start with, which made the task twice as tedious.

I'm tired due to not going to sleep until 4.00 am. Myself and Ben vowed to complete Mario 3 on the SNES All Stars game, without warp whistles, but after completing world 7, only matchsticks, of which I had none, would have kept my eyes open.

Anyway, the people who were staying went home today, so wahh I'm lonely. And sleep depraved. And going out to consume large amounts of alcohol tonight, why oh why oh why I do not know.

Currently listening to : Now! 52.

Why? : Because me likes. Mock all you want.

Oh and if anyone understands the relevance of the 'description' to this entry you can have a custom made MEDAL.

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