Look at me
2002-09-30 | 1:53 p.m.

I had my first lecture today! I was being the model student, and actually took notes, although I got bored after a little while and kept yawning. Still, I now know what a monograph is.

Today I have to have to have to do laundry. First of all I need to find a launderette around the halls. Second I need to work out how it operates. Last I have to work out what clothes to wash together to prevent a TERRIBLE ACCIDENT from happening.

It was nice not having to get up for work yesterday. Just ended up lazing around, although I got fed up of being cooped up in my room (even though it's big) or my flatmates' rooms and went out for a walk. On my way I saw someone break into a car (I think. I didn't question him as it was only me and him on a huge empty street, and I feared for my life), and I passed a toupee/wig on my way to Asda. Hmm.

Friday and Saturday were both very drunken nights, which included a mass consumption of snakebite black (equal measures of lager and cider and a bit of blackcurrant cordial), seeing a girl who was in my form at school at the Student Union, and going to an alternative club called Fan Club in town, and waiting for fucking hours to get a taxi home.

I have many a freebie too. I got a huge bag of stationery, a bag of groceries (which included pasta sauce, condoms and rizlas), and I accidently signed up for a Barclay card credit card because they were handing out free PROPER cameras with them. I didn't know what I was signing up for, except the woman said I was 'under no obligation' but still took my sort code and account number. And then I handed my student loan cheque (about �1300 for this term) to a woman who claimed to be from the Bank of Scotland, with the promise of a free �60 and a �1250 interest free overdraft.

I've been trying to keep up with the outside world in order to avoid being all segregated in my new uni life but quite frankly the thought of John Major being in a three hour sexual extravaganza makes me feel sick.

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