2002-11-01 | 11:21 a.m.

Yargh. I was meant to be in a seminar this morning at half 9. I woke up at 10 and repeatedly in my head shouted 'Fuck. Fuck. FUCK. Fuuuuuuuuuuuck.'

You are not ALLOWED to miss seminars. They are so strict on this that if you miss two then you get sent a letter, and have to go to see the head of the department (Yeeeeep!) to explain your absence. Miss more than that and they can kick you out of uni. I think for missing one you just get a minor punishment, possibly the removal of a digit, so everytime I look at my deformed hand it will remind me to bloody get up when my alarm goes off and go to the fucking seminar.

In my defence I had had a very late night that involved drinking, drinking and more drinking, stealing a photograph of some lemons (?!), obtaining a witchy type hat and some vampire teeth, and finally chatting random bollocks to people, and telling some dude that works in The Polar Bear with an aeroplane bracelet that I would make him a butterfly bracelet, which now I've sobered up do not intend on doing.

Our night out the other day was quite a laugh too, and I ended up coming home with a bat, and a wooden/gold plaque that says 'Mr Hyde Chief Undertaker'. I know Halloween has passed but it's staying up on my door. And yes, I probably DO need help for my kleptomaniac tendancies.

In other news: I've been having arguments down the phone at the people from Nationwide, as I need to buy stuff on my Visa AND THEIR AUTHORISATION AIN'T HAPPENING. I found this out when trying to top up the balance of the phone in my room. The robot on the end of the phone said, 'I'm sorry, your card issuer has not authorised this transaction. Good bye.' only the tone of the robot suggested that it might as well have said, 'You're a fucking penniless tramp!'

It was safe to say I wasn't best pleased.

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