Can't feel nothing
2002-12-13 | 7:09 p.m.

I'm unemployed! I cannot believe it. My employers do not want me back. Me! Of all people! I went in this afternoon and asked if I could get my old job back for a month and one of my bosses informed me that they'd taken on too many people as it was and were letting most of them go on Christmas eve. "But I asked Mark a few weeks ago and he said it'd be fine." "Ooh, well he never told me. I'll have to ask him about that tomorrow!"

And so I left, as penniless as when I first walked in there. BUT in a way I am glad, as it means I will have nothing to restrict me when I want to go out or stay at random people's houses for days on end (that's you Rachel), and 10.30am on a Sunday morning will be a non-existent time for me. So yay, in a way.

Journey home was fine. It was very traumatic packing my stuff up into the car when it was fricking raining, and now the majority of my belongings are sitting in our dining room, but the house looks fantastic. I think the bathrooms in halls were a little too prison-esque for everyone's liking.

And now I have a month off! And no job! Woo.

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