Every now and then I fall apart
2003-02-13 | 2:40 p.m.

Ahh, one more lecture (I actually have two but I've decided I'm only going to one) until it's the weekend, yay! I'm meant to have two lectures in a row, but I always get to the second one late because the first overruns and I feel like a twat walking to the only spaces left on the front row of an enormous lecture theatre. It makes sense to miss it. So I'm only going to go to my politics lecture. I'm going to try to go to all of these because I DON'T UNDERSTAND A THING! And there will be exams. Eeek. Why, why, WHY did I take a module on politics? I'm a fool. I could be studying American history instead but no, as I already said, I'm a fool.

Can't be arsed to write anything else but here's a question: Where will be a safe place for me and Laura to go on Valentine's night where people won't think we're either lesbians, or desperate and dateless? Because, see, I'm not a lesbian or desperate and dateless, only THEY don't know that.

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