2003-04-01 | 8:19 p.m.

Hehe I just described what university's like to a friend: "Uni's like an incredibly slack school. You spread a day's worth of school over a week." Oh it's so true!

I am determined to complete every single Super Nintendo game I own before I get started on my essays. So far I have done Super Mario World (ok...that's nearly the truth. I've completed 95 of the 96 'levels' but I can't find one, and I'm not going rooting through 95 levels I've already done to find it). That leaves Marios 1, 2, 3, the Lost Levels, Zelda 3, Yoshi's Island and countless others. My essays aren't going to get done, I can see it already.

Today it rained, so I stayed in bed until it stopped raining, hence I have nothing to write about. Also, my wee has been green the past couple of days and I'm not entirely sure if that's normal or not, so someone PLEASE let me know.

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