Girls don't like boys, girls like cars and money
2003-04-29 | 12:05 p.m.

I woke up at 6 o' sodding clock this morning. This is not good. I got woken up by the sun coming through my useless, a la mode, university-furnished curtains and because it was so bright I thought I'd slept in, missed my half 9 seminar and I felt instantly sick. And then I saw my watch and realised what an ungodly hour of the day it was and went back to sleep after contemplating getting a BB gun to make all the birds twittering away outside like there was something to be HAPPY about shut up.

The presentation wasn't too bad. I forgot to breathe and nearly died of asphyxiation (ok, not really, but I did breathe less than I probably should have done), but that was the only thing that went wrong so it was a success in my books.

Also, work aside, things on the uni front are not good. My friend Tori has spent the past two days crying non-stop and practically having a nervous breakdown as well as cutting herself with a box knife and contemplating suicide. See, her boyfriend of two years, whom she deeply loves and thought deeply loved her, has told her he wants to have sex with other women for a bit and then come back to her further down the road. If any man thinks that is reasonable then they need to have a sledgehammer taken to their bollocks. The way I see it is he can break up with her and go and sleep with other women OR he can stay with her because he loves her, but he can't do both. And to be honest I really don't know what to do to help her, other than take all sharp objects out of her room and be there for her until she gets over this, because I do not want a dead friend on my hands.

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