An angel in disguise
2003-05-24 | 11:55 p.m.

Fucking hell, talk about put your foot in it. It's quarter to midnight on a Saturday night and I casually mention that it would be nice if we'd gone out tonight......Suddenly everyone decides that my idea is the brilliantest in the world and that going out is what's going to happen. Er no mate, I'm going home to bed. I wanted to go out. I am party girl extreme, but I don't leave it this late and go out for an hour only to have to come home again.

Exams and skintness really do leave you in the shit. It is shit, hence why we watched Eurovision (Le Grand Bretagne, nil points). And immediately after, me and my bi-polar disorder (we're two people now) and Laura went on a drunken bike ride, me very nearly crashing into cars on the road in my unstable state and ordering Laura to stay on the pavement. We went to Nice Simon's. I looked at some of his photographs and saw a girl I went to school with for seven years. That girl was a first class bitch. I came home again and will be going to bed soon. As soon as I remember how to take my contact lenses out.

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