Tease me, baby
2003-06-15 | 11:19 a.m.

A 'Happy Father's Day' banner with a picture of Michael Jackson on it. Nice.

There's nothing like starting off the day by puking up your guts, there really isn't. Thank you very much London - I blame you entirely for getting me drunk. Remind me to drop litter or spit on you or something equally as deviant next time I return. (I wouldn't really.)

I suppose drinking from 5.00 until 11.30 or thereabouts isn't really a good idea, although there was a delicious Italian meal consumed sometime inbetween. Yumyumyumyumyum. I think I'm hungry now actually, seeing as I just brought up my breakfast (throwing up a chip butty made from chips that are meant to be cooked in the oven but you're too impatient so you chuck them in the microwave for three minutes instead even though they go a bit soggy is not fun).

Also, falling asleep on the train home at around midnight is not a good idea either. Not only could I have got mugged/beaten/sodomized/had a comedy moustache drawn on my face in permanent marker by some 'joker', but I could have ended up stranded in somewhere like Scotland, FOREVER! Me so crazy.

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