Really and truly
2003-06-20 | 10.21p.m.

I just took a piss in public. How embarrassing. I couldn't help it - it was either wee on a patch of grass where no one would probably notice (which they didn't) or carry on biking home (pissed, you'd think I'd be more careful after yesterday's accident) and then half way there have my bladder explode into one fine mess with me the sole person responsible for cleaning it up. No thank you.

From home to London to Watford to Bushey to Watford to London to home plus several pints and two Smirnoff Black Ices in Euston (Euston of all places! Maybe I should have bought a tube ticket) = pissed and hyper.

Just suddenly been sapped/zapped of any writing energy I once had, perhaps because all I have eaten today is a slice of toast and half a plate of nachos covered in Jala-spicyfucking-peno peppers.

I have a busy week ahead of me, I'll explain when I don't feel like I'm suffering from narcolepsy. But to sum it up I'm pissed, sunburnt (badly), just watched Federico being evicted from Big Brother (takin' over the show) and I'm in somewhat of a pissed off mood (makes a lovely change, eh?).

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