You're all the same
2003-07-12 | 5:03 a.m.

I'm up at 5.00am and the boredom has not subsided. In fact it's got so bad now that I'm contemplating questions such as these:

1) How did the universe begin? I know about the Big Bang theory and all that, but where did all the hydrogen come from in the first place? (No religious answers please. I'm not especially un-religious but saying 'God put it there' will not satisfy my wondering.)

2) Why do birds sing in the morning and not especially much so at any other time of the day? (The fucking things woke me up - ones going 'Twit-twit-twittwittwittwiiiiwoooo' or something and ones going...oh forget it, my bird impressions are shit.)

3) Are prisoners allowed to drink as much water as they like? Do they all get a sink in their cell? What if they don't have a sink? You can't deny someone water - it's a basic human right.

4) How long until the word 'yay' gets put in the dictionary? Is it already in the dictionary? If not, who will write its definition?

But fear not children, my boredom related insanity will today be sent away for a day or two while I spend time with the boyfriend-type person and hopefully get pissed too, and this will make me VERY HAPPY.

And anyone who has terrible hair as I do, heed my advice: Go out and buy some Toni & Guy hair serum. I hate advertising anything but DAMN! that is some good shit.

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