I'll have a Duff, you have one too
2003-09-19 | 11:06 p.m.

ALRIGHT, I ADMIT! I didn't manage the 96 lengths of the pool, although I did do 80. When I got to about 70 I felt like my knee bones were crumbling away to a fine powder so decided to stop shortly. Probably a good idea, especially since I was traumatised by watching Dee dying in Neighbours beforehand.

I'm too excited to continue packing (I have enough clothes to adequately supply a very, very large clothes shop). 'Ah you're excited about your return to university,' you might think. NO! I am excited because I have just bought these off eBay for a tenner:

SEXY PHOTOS OF A SEXY PIRATE, OH YES! Arrrrr! I already bought a Johnny Depp keyring earlier. I think lack of Internet in my new house will prevent any permanent auction addictions from forming. Oh...yes.

On a more sombre note my friend Laura, who was my best friend at uni, has been kicked off her course. This is bad. Very bad. So she will be moving out of our house and back to Liverpool. And the weekends when it used to be just me, her and the lesbians will now be just me and the lesbians. HELP! When she told me I actually felt sick because it is going to be immensely weird without her. House of seven has become house of six and I haven't even moved in yet. I'm going to try to persuade her to stay but I doubt it will do any good...

This term is going to be strange methinks. It's alright though as I will cope and I AM happy.


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