2003-10-21 | 10:29 a.m.

Do you know what I said to myself during my lecture earlier? 'I am going to go straight to the library when this has finished. I'm not going to piss about on the Internet but go and straight away get some books and read them and make notes.'

How I laugh.

I kind of have to get an essay done this week in order to have a week for each of my other assignments. Things aren't looking good. I don't want to end up researching and writing the bloody thing the day before (or even the day!) it's due in as that's just too stressful, like I used to do in my first year. Have to work hard this year and blahdiblah and not spend all my free time watching crap on telly (David Blaine coming out of his box making the crying noise of a pathetic two year old wasn't really ALL THAT). Anyway, yes. Work. Yes. Later.

Ah yes, York. Like one of those Mr. Kipling cakes, York is exceedingly good. The house party was absolutely brilliant, being hosted at AJ's house (bloke who held us up on our way to Glastonbury due to being arrested at the train station for forgery) and had the hugest vat of punch I ever did saw. And I proceded to drink a metaphorical cocktail of drinks followed by an actual cocktail and ended up on a bouncy castle trying not to throw up, and suceeding (only just). Other events included talking drunken bollocks to people I didn't know, talking drunken bollocks to people I DID know, trying to escape some bloke who was boring the shit out of me with his life story, then it all goes a bit blurry and I can't remember what happened but we made it back to my brother's house at 4.30 am. AND I DIDN'T HAVE A HANGOVER THE NEXT DAY!

So Saturday was spent milling around York city centre with Kate (more touristy than I imagined - lots of Scottish people), having lunch in a Wetherspoon's, seeing castle type things and shopping. Unfortunately we got on the wrong bus back to my brother's house and ended up doing a one and a quarter hour trip round some random bit of York. I knew something was dodgy when I realised we'd passed the same school twice. And by the time we actually got home we were exhausted.

And now back in Leicester I wake up every day with a feeling of impending doom, which then disappears for most of the day but comes back in the evening (don't ask me what that's all about), but things are ok. And meself and the housemates are throwing our own house party Thursday night, which I think too many people have been invited to. My room will be remaining locked for the entire duration as I can think of nothing worse than going in to find my laptop and Johnny Depp photos disappeared and some randy couple shagging in my bed. Urghhh, no ta.

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