Don't be so quick to walk away
2003-11-13 | 12:56 p.m.

Yesterday was interesting.

Yes, I was meant to be writing the presentation on...Christ I've forgotten! which I have to give tomorrow, but ended up going to some careers fair at the Leicester football stadium. Steaming piling of shit that was. I'm obviously never going to get a proper job because I can't actually think of anything I want to do. Some stuck up tart tried to make accountancy interesting by saying 'You get to use a calculator all day long!' and I said '...!' The highlight of the whole thing was a little bowl of little Cadbury chocolates, which I kept going back to having had no lunch and it being fairly late on in the afternoon. I returned home around 4.30 only to realise I hadn't had anything to drink all day long, which explained the feelings of strangeness I'd been having.

Last night was excellento, in an underground cavern bar lighted by candles, called Po Na Na. At one point I walked head on into a girl and smacked foreheads with her, laughed, apologised, and then realised I had in fact just walked into a mirror. I should probably have felt like a prize twat but oh it was too funny! I remember a similar thing happening last time I was there more than a year ago - I walked into a mirror thinking it was the way out, much to the bouncers' amusement. Deceitful things - the mirrors, not the bouncers.

The behaviour of my friend Natalie (the one who brought home a Dracula recently) never fails to impress, and was summed up quite nicely by another of my housemates: 'She dances like a lunatic, pulls a funny looking man, and then throws up.' I was woken up this morning with the noise of her being violently sick. How true the sentiment is.

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