Fight fight fight, bite bite bite
2003-11-27 | 12:57 p.m.

I just had to move computers as I was sitting by one facing an open window. It's been a cold and frosty morning. My hand started going red at the tips, pink in the middle and yellow at the bottom (maybe that's jaundice?) so I enlisted the help of a foreign student to try to help me shut the window. Both of us are obviously big pathetic losers as the window's still open and I've ended up on the other side of the room.

Last night I had the joy of watching a man on the telly shat out a tape-worm. He then stretched out all 7-something-foot of it in his garden and layed down next to it. Repulsive. It's safe to say that I won't be eating tagliatelle again for a VERY long time.

And ugh, we have a mouse/mice in the house. I know this because I found a mouse dropping in the drawer under my bed. Now I was clever enough to deduce that there ISN'T a mouse living in the drawer under my bed, but because I keep my dirty laundry there until I wash it (think out of sight out of mind!) it was probably (hopefully) stuck to a sock or something. I have a tray of poison under my radiator just in case. I'm SO done with rodents.

Two weeks until I return home. And counting.

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