Monkeys on toast
2003-12-30 | 12:09 p.m.

I've decided I should probably get dressed today. I didn't get dressed yesterday, despite the fact I travelled home from Cambridge. Me and my brother got lost and I very nearly ended up first in London Orbital (whatever the feck that is) then Chelmsford in my pyjamas. Heh.

Tomorrow night was meant to be spent with my best friend Kate (either in a Stoke house party or here), only she sent me a text message this morning saying she was going to stay in with her boyfriend, so now I'm going to Hatfield with my uni friend Tori. I told Kate I was immensely pissed off with her for letting me down and she retaliated saying I was being completely selfish (which is most probably true...meh, at least I admit my faults). But what I was most annoyed about was the fact she has left it this late to tell me. I could have told Tori I wanted to spend New Year's Eve with her when she first asked me and now it's completely blatant that she is my second choice (although she screamed down the phone in happiness when I said I could come).

God I sound like an angsty teen.

Today I woke up with that inexplicable feeling of doom, which usually happens around the time I have essays to do. I finifhed that book where the man ufed F's inftead of S's (skim read, but my tutor shall never know, hahaha). Today I have three books to read and tomorrow before going out I'll try to write my essay. Well actually, I can't promise I'll try, but I'll try to try. I'll let you know how far I get.

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