Dancing on a Friday night
2004-01-28 | 11:05 a.m.

I have a lecture in 25 minutes in some building called the Engineering Tower. I have no idea where it is. I will find it though, or freeze to death trying.

Mine and Tori's debut tv appearance was a little disappointing, very blurry, and partly obscured by the main characters. We coerced our other housemates into watching it and a conversation went as follows:

Me and Tori: 'Aahhh there were are - look!'

Them: 'Where, I can't see you?'

Me and Tori: 'Oh we've gone again.'

Like I said, a little disappointing.

But never mind because it snowed here and I have Tictacs (which actually came in my Christmas stocking and therefore I've been eating them for over a month now). Househunting, a work experience fair, and a night out of the student union tonight should keep me occupied.

Oh yeah wait, that was it.

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