You wait a long time
2004-03-21 | 11:15 a.m.

Nope, being home is weird. First of all today was the first time in a very long time I've slept in until waking up naturally and second, I woke up engulfed by silence. I used to complain (in my head, to myself. Normal? Possibly not...) about the daytime racket the other five people in my uni household made, although this was mainly because the downstairs kitchen is so small that the fridge is just outside my bedroom and people are always going back and forth to it. I live two inches from a fridge - very convenient sometimes.

Last night was wonderful - the two old schoolfriends I saw made me laugh until my gut nearly split (meh, I'd already put it through pain, what's a bit more going to do?). I went to school with them for seven years, therefore a lot of memories (flooding of food technology rooms, touching electrical fences on French trips and the like).

I'm listening to my Napster songs. Bear in mind the free Napster was closed down more than three years ago. I have all kinds of crap on there (including the theme tune to Pugwall - I have no idea what compelled me to do this).

Seeing as it's Mother's day, and because she's out and I haven't yet bought a present, I feel a trip to the garden centre coming along. Mmm, planty.

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