What might be right for you, may not be right for some
2004-04-05 | 10:48 p.m.

I woke up today just in time for lunchtime Neighbours. That is perfection on a plate. Sleeping in until 1.44 pm is not something to be overly proud of, but I did have a huge sleep debt to pay off. The debt collector would have come and taken my eyeballs or something if I hadn't got some qualit-ay sleep.

I've also got to the point of the holidays where I have to do some work or else by the time I get back to uni I'll have eighteen million words of essays to write and will be in too much of a stress to actually do anything about it, just sitting around in my room being worried and saying 'Woe'.

Anyway, Brighton was Brighton-tastic. Bit rainy (and by 'bit' I mean torrentially) on Saturday, although it made interesting viewing while having dinner in a restaurant right on the seafront. Sunday was just lovely. It's probably because I don't have easy access to the sea, living in a county sandwiched between London, Essex, Bedfordshire and, erm, probably one other, which I forget, but I could just sit and watch the sea for ages ('til I get too bloody cold. Damn you April [the month, not person], damn you to hell!).

Meh. I will start my first essay tomorrow. 'Analyse the experience of rural African-Americans in the 1930s'. I can sum it up in one sentence: 'They were heavily discriminated against and had very little political power,' yet for some reason I'm required to babble for 2,500 words in order to convey this.

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