So you got to walk away now
2004-06-07 | 10:01 p.m.

Current dilemma: Sleep with window open and be awoken by ONE MILLION CHIRPING BIRDS in the morning, or sleep with window shut and wake up half-drowned in a pool of my own sweat. It's getting dark and I can hear the birds saying their goodnights, wondering how to up their tweeting by a few decibels just to piss me off even more than they do already. I can even hear the bird that sounds like an alarm clock. The thing is, the alarm clock on my phone is actually the noise of a very irritating cockerel. Oh the irony!

I saw my baby brother for the first time today. I held him and after a few minutes he started crying (but he is absolutely gorgeous, double-jointed like I am and blatantly has my ears). My dad looks like he hasn't slept since sometime in 1998, but that's the price you pay if you want to bring a little bundle of joy into the world, especially at HIS age.

Also I have a message for any Harry Potter fans/stalker type people. If you want to catch a glimpse of that ginger one (Rupert...Ron? Can you tell I'm not a fan?) then get a job in the Stevenage branch of Argos, because he's been in there at least twice, even chatting to my old work friends and giving the managers autographs. How exciting! Or not. Meh.

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