Mmm pizza
2004-07-26 | 7:19 p.m.

So...went and gave some blood today. Five tubes of it. And it really wasn't that bad! The thing that worried me most was the doctor who is now going to be meddling with and performing five different experiments on my blood. He looked and sounded like Alistair Appleton (the Cash in the Attic geezer). I perhaps would have felt safer had he not been wearing a pink shirt and trousers in the style of Simon Cowell, ie. so that his flies were done up somewhere near his nipple area.

He asked the most ridiculous questions too. Have you ever been pregnant? No. So you've never had a child? No. And you live in a house with other students? Yes. So you don't live with your partner then? No. Are you married? No. Have you ever BEEN married? No. And so on and so forth.

Anyway, I was infinitely relieved when I discovered that a nurse was going to do the blood taking. I was a bit nervous and babbled to her about how the clock in the room was the same one that was in my kitchen. But it was over quickly and then my dad and I went for a swift drink before returning to our respectable homes, which made me feel trousered. Which was fun.

And tomorrow I go to see Shrek 2, yay.

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