Sometimes I fall into the arms of no one at all
2004-08-23 | 5:08 p.m.

Eeesh. I cut my finger open with a kitchen knife earlier. Why do fingers have to be so soft and sliceable? It was painful and bleedy, but has now turned into a nice blood-tinged slit, so not really any cause for undue concern. Unfortunately there appears to be a miniature hair trapped inside the cut and I don't fancy prodding about to remove it so it's going to have to stay there.

I am very nearly ready to go back to university now. The giant food shop has been done. I filled up half the trolley with non-food items, like toothpaste and tin foil then lost all interest and pondered living off a giant box of Rice Krispies for the next twelve weeks, decided it wasn't really a good idea and got some other foody stuff. I also got an extension lead because my new room is daft and only has one plug socket and, well, I want to be able to watch tv so I feel it was a necessary buy.

Neighbours has been quite interesting lately. It's worrying how the characters provoke such rage in their viewers. I was having a conversation with Rachel earlier about Izzy and she said 'I hope her nostrils expand until her face is just a big hole.' Might just be my sense of humour but I laughed a lot. Izzy does have curiously large nostrils though.

The craptacularness of my mobile phone has embiggened and it now refuses to charge unless I wrap layers of sellotape around the charger und phone combo to stop it falling out. How annoying.

Oh, and for your viewing pleasure here's a random one of me with rather unkempt hair but not looking overly bothered about it!

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