2004-10-04 | 3:31 p.m.

Ok so Freshers' week was very good, very random and very drunken.

The Rednex on Friday were, in a word, SHITE. They didn't come on until 1.30 am, by which time I had had far too many quadruple vodkas (really not a good idea, trust me, especially when by the end of the night you start to think 'Hmm, I can't really feel my legs' and have to cling on to your friends in order to stand up). Anyway, the band were on for an entire twenty minutes and MIMED to Cotton Eye Joe. I was suitably disgusted. I was surprised they didn't get bottled off then remembered all drinks were in plastic glasses.

Saturday night was a house party. Some bloke thought it'd be incredibly amusing to punch his hand through a glass-paned door in the garden (I have no idea what a glass-paned door was doing there - it wasn't DOING anything, just standing there, off its hinges in the middle of the garden. Weird). Anyway, punching your fist though any glass objects is not to be recommended and I had the pleasure of cleaning up one very messy hand, which was pouring with blood and had tissue hanging out of the knuckle and side. I then went and sat in a very large cupbard with three other people and smoked a joint.

And now I have to start getting on with some work. Tomorrow I have to see my dissertation tutor about my proposal which will probably go something along the lines of '......!' and I will get told off and made to feel like a naughty child.

I also got my hair cut on Friday and I do not like it. I asked the hairdresser for a layered cut only she failed to negotiate the length of the shortest layers which are VERY SHORT INDEED. I look forward to it growing out.

And that is all for now. We are getting broadband, phoneline and cable tv installed on Wednesday and Thursday. HOO-BLOODY-RAY.

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