I don't wanna miss a thing
2004-12-20 | 9:44 p.m.

Earlier I tried to snort a bottle of contact lense cleaner, mistaking it for my Vick's Sinex. It's a good thing I realised before it was too late or else I would have ended up with a noseful of peroxide, which would have quite bloody stung, I imagine.

I have a horrible cold, but that didn't stop me enjoying the weekend, which was mostly spent with the ex. He paid for the cinema, dinner out and some stuff for my cold, which was very nice of him indeed. Though I blame my finding Jeremy Irons attractive in the Merchant of Venice on the fact that I was drugged up to the eyeballs on Beechams. Should probably have kept that to myself - oh dear.

I still desperately need to get some Christmas shopping done, but I have Rachel coming to stay tomorrow, and therefore far more important things come first on the agenda, like playing Mario Kart and Super Tennis, and going to see the Incredibles.

And finally, MY PC IS FIXED! I'd like to say I did it all myself, though the truth is I followed someone's instructions (thank you, by the way, if you're reading this) and it seems to have done the trick, so I am happy.

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