It's like this
2005-03-29 | 4:16 p.m.

I'm trying to drink as much peppermint tea as possible to try and drain away the nineteen million slices of pizza I had at Pizza Hut this lunchtime. I don't actually think I'll ever need to eat again (until tomorrow evening, that is, when the New Bloke is having me round for dinner and to show me Canary Wharf by night. Should be interesting).

It's been a busy week. I'm still trying to put out of my mind the fact that my dissertation is due in in just over a month.

Sadly it seems I've completely lost the ability to sleep normally and this morning I woke up at 4.00 with a peculiar, irregular twitchy vein in my foot. I wondered if a poltergeist was tapping a message of Morse code using my foot as a medium, then quickly dismissed the idea as it scared me and buried myself under the covers. I'm nearly 21 and still scared of putting my feet anywhere near the underneath of my bed incase a monster grabs me. Is that weird or does anyone else share this fear?

It also occurred to me today that I haven't spoken to my dad since some time at the beginning of January. I tried to ring just now but got the answerphone. What is a girl to do? I would try to communicate more but I always worry I'll get his wife on the phone. It's not that I dislike the woman, but I find her a bit...monosyllabic. I'm a fairly talkative person but I find holding a conversation with her about as easy as it is finding any nutritional goodness in a McDonald's hamburger.

(I have, indeed, seen Supersize Me.)

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