Knock a little louder sugar
2005-03-30 | 4:42 p.m.

I think I've regressed into a teenager again. I've just spent the last three hours trying on different outfits, ironing clothes, chucking said clothes back into my wardrobe, re-trying on outfits, faffing around and sighing in an angsty manner. I even started having angry thoughts towards my clothes, such as 'That skirt can FUCK OFF if it thinks it's getting ironed.' Oh dear. God knows why I'm making such a fuss - I don't even like the New Bloke that much.

Yesterday I didn't think I'd need to eat anything after the Pizza Hut buffet, but I made the mistake of trying to be healthy and eating a wholesome apple. Wholesome my arse. I stupidly didn't pay attention to the evil fruit while I was devouring it and failed to notice that it had a black hole on the top and its innards looked like this:

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Fortunately I managed to keep the contents of my stomach where they belonged, but apples are no longer on the list of things that I trust. I can't stop thinking that a horrible, vile insecty thing burrowed its way into my fruit, dug around a bit then crawled out and flew away with a belly full of appley goodness.

I'm just full of cheer today, aren't I? Heh.

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