Running away, just for today
2005-04-26 | 5:49 p.m.

Currently feeling cream-crackered as you do when you return from a long break and immediately get stuck into lectures, library and gym. When I told one of the girls on my course I hadn't actually finished the reading for my dissertation she let out a loud gasp. It worried me, briefly, but I am actually feeling serenely calm about the whole thing.

I still have to do a 2,500 word chapter, a 1,000 word introduction, a 1,000 word conclusion, a 300 word abstract, a contents page, front cover and bibliography. Hmm, now I've written that down it looks rather a lot. Still, I have a week.

I got two essays back yesterday, which were a 65% and a 69% so I can proudly say that every single piece of my third year coursework has been a 2:1 or higher (ok so admittedly I only managed just the one First, but it's still an achievement in my eyes).

Having a bit of a rest tonight by going to the pub quiz. I never mentioned the things that happened when we turned up at the random friend-of-a-friend's house the other night:

1) I was given a vodka and coke and spent half an hour feeling like I was going to throw up.

2) I walked in on some random bloke in bed in his room, whilst getting lost trying to find the bathroom.

3) Managed to watch the same episode of Family Guy THREE TIMES without realising it was the same bloody one.

4) Upon announcing I wanted to go home, the Swedish girl who lived there tried to coerce me into staying, because I would have JUST ADORED accompanying her in her double bed, as was her offer. I promptly ran away.

My brain = a confused tangle of mush, but at least I know that this time next week my dissertation will be done and I'll be more happy than a very happy hippo, that's for sure.

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