I'll be gone
2005-10-10 | 7:31 p.m.

Today was my first day at work and some of it sucked and some of it didn't but I'm staying positive that it'll get better the more I learn.

It's admin crap which involves doing quotes for pensions. What fun. I think I coped ok considering the only thing I did all day was watch the woman training me do her work. Watching someone work...not the most fun ever. Only the thing is I can't actually see myself ever learning the ropes properly because the woman who's training me has a gigantic moustache and oh. my. God. it's distracting. It's so large that I could even see it in its big black glory right from the other side of the office. Her nickname is apparently 'Mary Moustachio'. Trust me, I am not exaggerating the moustache-ness!

(Yes I'm a horrible, horrible person and I should remember aesthetics aren't important. It's not what's on the surface but what's inside that counts...which I imagine is a big old load of hair follicles.

One ticket to hell please.)

So that was my first day at work. Oh to be a student again.

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