Ah ah ah ah table five
2006-05-22 | 6:06 p.m.

So...I didn't go to work today, which is only the second time I have been off since I started in October. I did feel bad initially but I don't think that's too bad going really.

I got the train to London as per the usual after work on Friday and proceeded to be sickly and knackered for the majority of the weekend.

I'd already been feeling exhausted for a couple of days but on Saturday afternoon I was actually sick. Unfortunately the last thing I ate prior to that was Nando's for lunch, which was the first time I had ever eaten there! It was also extremely unfortunate that it was on our walk home from Asda that I had the greatest, unrepressible urge to vomit. On reflection it is slightly amusing that I had to make the boyfriend take everything from my Asda carrier bag so as to provide me a utensil to throw up in. And afterwards all I was concerned about was 'getting back on my Nando's horse' as I always feel funny about eating a certain type of food if it was the last thing I ate before being sick.

On Saturday night therefore we did not go out but stayed in and I started feeling better and baked a belated birthday cake for the boy. But alas, in our rush to escape Asda we forgot to purchase any greaseproof paper so the two halves of the cake literally broke into about eight pieces each while I got them out of the tins. The boy came over and started chuckling and saying 'It's not THAT bad,' helpful fellow that he is. Though he did put the cakes back in the right shape, akin to a puzzle, and I sealed them together with berry jam in the middle and blue buttercream icing, chocolate buttons and tiny little sugar animals on the top. I must say it turned out to be an extremely delicious cake, or, as summed up by the boyfriend, 'It was the best of cakes, it was the worst of cakes.'

A whole fucking paragraph on cake, dear me.

I got back from London at about midday today, came home and got into bed, read for 30 minutes before falling promptly asleep for the next five hours. Ooh, but I vaguely remember at some point my mum being in the house and wondering why I was home. I explained about the whole sickness thing to which she responded with 'Did you have diarrhoea as well?' Why anyone would delve to find out such information I have NO IDEA.

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