Come with me, come with me
2007-07-17 | 8:52 p.m.

I really need to get a new hairdryer. The inside of mine glows bright orange and then it cuts out. This CANNOT be healthy.

So yes, I have just been drying my hair.

And why have I done this?

Because I very recently washed my hair.

And why did I do this?

Because I have been swimming.

And who did I see at the swimming pool?


I was walking along the side of the pool about to get in, and saw him, swimming. A big number of arghs and expletives ran through my mind but I felt it had got to the point where I couldn't run away, so I just jumped in at the deep end (ahaha, my puns are worthy of death surely?), got in (in the shallow end, actually!) and started swimming with a mock-nonchalant expression on my face.

This is the first time I had seen him since things ended quite uncomfortably some...six, seven(?) weeks ago and I just really, really didn't expect it, even though of course it was bound to happen sooner or later considering I used to see him there pretty much on a weekly basis.

At first I thought 'Ooh, maybe he won't recognise me with this dark hair?' and momentarily felt thankful that L'Oreal hair products LIE LIKE POLITICIANS. (Though, ok, it's not THAT bad and I am getting used to it.) I also, for the first time in approximately ever, wished that the pool was jam-packed with people of all shapes and sizes in order to provide me with some human camouflage.

It was not to be.

After about 15 minutes (which is a very, very long time to wear a mock-nonchalant expression for, I'll tell you that for nothing) he swam over to me. I quietly congratulated myself on achieving the status of 'the most awkward I have felt in 2007' and prepared for worse to come. was alright. He asked me how Glastonbury was and how the job was going. And I asked how he was, etc., and we seemed to be managing to hold a friendly conversation. He said he hoped there was no ill-feeling about what happened and I said that there wasn't, but that I'd felt quite bad about it and he informed me that I shouldn't as it was just a case of us wanting completely different things, which I agreed with.

How grown up and civil!

I don't think I'd mind too much bumping into him again, though I defintely prefer him being part of my past and not my present.

Speaking of past and present (and future), I have a date a week Saturday.

And it's not with Ely guy.

I will reveal all soon, I promise.

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