Never fly with an ear infection
2008-03-19 | 9:02 p.m.

Sometimes I feel like I blink and then all of a sudden it's been eight days since I've written in here and I've got loads to say but don't know how to articulate it all. I'll give it a go.

Today was my last day in the trial with The Barrister until after Easter. I came into court this morning to be greeted with two presents from him, which comprised one of those Lindt gold bunnies with a jingly bell round its neck, and a packet of dried mango. As it's nearly Good Friday I would say the former is pretty self-explanatory, and as for the latter, well, the other week I had mentioned I liked dried fruit.

Obviously all I need now is a time machine, so I can re-visit that day and replace the words 'dried fruit' with the word 'yachts'. Ahahaha.

In other worky news I'm now actually very seriously putting my efforts into buying my own Steno, as although we're allowed to keep our trainee ones until the end of July, unfortunately they are crappy beyond belief and the memory becomes full after about an hour and a half of writing.

When I first got thrown into court back in September the RAM memory would easily last me the whole day, but my typing speed has slowly gone from 'laughably incompetent' to 'adequate' (I would be taking my 180 words a minute speed tests but unfortunately the only person who can conduct these has managed to burst both her eardrums...YEEEEOWCH.)

Getting back to my train of thought, I have found a second-hand Steno I want. However, because the only place you can buy them from is America, I also have to pay for it to be shipped over here, which the website I'm trying to buy it off has calculated as being (bear in mind this is merely the cost to *put it in the post*): $1,242.58.

One thousand, two hundred and forty-two dollars and fifty-eight cents - WHAT ARE THEY DOING, SENDING IT OVER IN A 24-CARAT GOLD BOX, PACKED WITH THE WORLD'S RAREST TRUFFLES??


Needless to say I am mulling over my options before making any rash decisions.

I'm having Rachel come to stay on Saturday and keep me amused for my few days off for Easter. I was hoping we could go to a theme park or the seaside or something, but sadly it's predicted to rain/snow/be bloody freezing the whole time. I'm sure we'll find something to do...probably involving Halloumi.

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