It came off in the rain
2008-09-25 | 12:07 a.m.

It's been a clumsy week at the Old Bailey. On Monday I made what must be my biggest faux pas yet - accidently chucking an entire glass of water over a witness. Yay me! To be fair, I did manage to create a rather splendid fountain-effect and the judge and lawyers seemed amused more than anything, although the witness in question (DNA expert - YAWN!) glared at me and tried to shake each of the 5,000 droplets of water I'd got on her out of her suit.

Today she returned to the witness stand and made a point of moving her water as far away from me as possible, as if she thought it was my sole aim in life to pour water atop the heads of human beings in the manner of watering a garden.

Oh yeah, but at least I didn't mow down a cyclist, unlike one of our senior judges.

I only really feel like summarising, if I'm frank, (which I am not, I am Sarah), but anyway...

1) Pineapple Express is the best film I have seen this year by miles and bar none. I came back from it practically having developed a six-pack from my laughter muscles going into insane overdrive.

2) Playing the drums on Rock Band with more vigour than all the energy in the Large Hadron Collider WILL give you blistered hands.

3) Don't let me near your cup of water. It will only end in calamity.

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