Goodness gracious
2010-10-04 | 8:17 p.m.

Baffling, baffling, baffling. Some of you may remember (though I'm certain the going ons in my life aren't of vital importance to anyone else!) that in July I was asked out by a very nice barrister from work and we went out a couple of times and then I didn't hear from him again. In my time on this planet I have gone out with people, lost interest in them, had people lose interest in me and *unbelievably* that is just life! If someone decides they aren't keen on me I don't tend to be hellbent on pursuing them regardless. I get over it and continue with whatever other entertaining endeavours are out there.

So we're now in (yikes!) October and the Barrister is in my court this morning for a ten-minute hearing. This is the first time I've seen him since we last went out two-ish months ago. He says hello, is pleasant and asks how I am and I do the same and then take my seat in court and mind my own business. At the end he says he just wants a brief catch up, we talk for a couple of minutes and then he says how it'd be great to go out again.


I reply reasonably taken aback with, 'Oh, I thought you'd lost interest!' which is responded in the negative. I raise my eyebrows quizzically and scuttle back to court for the next matter I was in. That is the end of that.

Or not.

At lunch I receive a text asking if I'm free for a drink next week. WTF? He went off the radar for several weeks and I'm meant to just go out with him like nothing happened?! Yeah, right. The thing is, part of me wanted to say yes, but after mentally battling heart against head I decided to not accept his offer with the given reason of the aforementioned going off the radar.

He was then more persistent. I got a (seemingly lame) excuse about how a 'trusted confidante' had advised against us going out together and that he was concerned whether it was appropriate. My initial thought to this was just 'TWAT,' but the inner devil's advocate began kicking in saying, 'Oh, well he's still fairly young and probably wants to establish a career at the Bailey without the risk of any scandal or getting involved in anything that might jeopardise that...' much as that's probably a delusional view-point. He doesn't see why we can't go for 'an innocent drink' (as opposed to a guilty one?!) and I, with some trepidation, have agreed.

Now, is any of this remotely in any way normal? I think I already know the answer but any feedback would be hugely appreciated.

I promised pics from the 90s party. I hope you enjoy them.

Background: At a gig we went to on the Wednesday before, I tried to convince this man to give me what would have been the most amazing Timmy Mallett outfit. Result? DECLINED.








Robin plus Furby on the right:


Diana centrepiece!


Katy is attacked by Timmy Mallett (which would be me!)


Tori (and me cleaning up a spillage...)


Group shot:


Geri (Jenn) rocks out on a miscellaneous pink car:


I managed to stick a deposit down on a Glastonbury ticket yesterday too. HOORAY!

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