Do do do do a bow wow
2004-02-17 | 4:42 p.m.

One of my lecturers is wonderful. Every time without fail he starts five minutes late and ends ten minutes early. Having an attention span no larger than your average garden pea, to me this is a great joy.

What is not a great joy, however, is the fact that I have to get an assignment done by the end of this week on fourteenth-century domestic politics during the reign of Edward III. I have read one and a half books but my brain takes in the information, swishes it back and forth a bit then sends it away somewhere. So at the moment I haven't got a fecking clue what to write for it. Fourteenth-century domestic politics can COCK OFF.

The weekend was fun anyway. Went on the London Eye on Friday (which was as good second time round as first, only my boyfriend made me feel particularly uneasy as we were about three-quarters of the way up in the air when he said 'It would be horrible if a plane crashed into us' and just beyond the Oxo tower I could see a worryingly low flying plane). We spent Saturday having dinner with my mother, step-dad and grandma (ahh, romance...), then I was taught chess, which I decided I love, even though I can't remember the rules properly and kept trying to make my pawns go backwards. Never mind.

So this evening I have to do some reading for my assignment. The chances I'll get distracted by something (probably the Brits) are very, very high.

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