Is this just fantasy?
2004-12-06 | 11:15 p.m.

Ah, last week of uni before Christmas. The last of my housemates will be gone by Saturday, leaving me sadly on my own for a further three days, as I have deadlines. Much as I like to pride myself on being an Independent Person I can't help but worry about having an encounter with the man looking for a hotel, accidently burn the house down or be attacked by a monster living under my bed. I need a chaperone (who will hopefully make me meals more nourishing than a bowl of spaghetti hoops, which is what I had this evening).

I have done two assignments and have one left, so my stress levels have dropped a fair bit. The essay I wrote today was tedious but fine. The 'Dissertation Progress Report' I wrote yesterday did not go fine. Trying to pad out 'I Have Not Made Very Much Progress At All - Oh Dear' into 1,000 words is a task I don't ever recommend you try. I got it to 600 words and gave up. It doesn't count towards my degree so I don't plan on fretting unduly (although I really MUST get my dissertation reading finished over the holiday so I actually have something to write when I come back).

In between the assignments I spent some quality time procrastinating, wondering all manner of things, such as - when your pupils get bigger in the dark, where does the bit of your iris it takes up actually GO? I also managed to squeeze in two nights out on Friday (which was pretty craptacular) and Saturday (which was considerably better, although I managed to get ketchup all down my coat, which I only discovered today) so it's not been all working hard.

Six months left of being a tax-dodger. I can't quite believe it's gone so quickly.

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