2002-06-18 | 6:52 p.m.

Sunburn is...colourful. I'm trying to be positive here people :( I'm like a tomato with hair, or possibly even a strawberry. Yes. Owwwww! That was me pressing my reddened skin to see if it still hurts, and you know what? Oh lordy...

Still haven't covered nearly enough revision for Thursday's History synoptic module and Biology environmental topic. Biology I've only covered (briefly scanned) 2 out of the 6 components, and as for history... Dear God help me.

I know there's still tomorrow, only there isn't really, as I have a shitting one and three-quarters of an hour General Studies exam, which can fuck off into oblivion for all I care as I need the time to *learn* stuff, the effects of acid rain and Stalin's 5 Year Plans (not for the same exam, obviously).

Then Thursday evening I'll begin revision for my Sociology synoptic (we learnt 2 topics in order to get a choice in the exam), so I still have to fully cover Stratification and Differenciation, and Crime and Deviance. I was tempted to just revise for one, but then there's the worry of a bad essay coming up and then 40 marks out of 60 will be truly fucked up so I'm going to have to learn both and arggh!

Er, help?

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