Oh way up north where the air gets cold
2004-12-01 | 7:53 p.m.

My stupidity has reached new heights.

I had an accident with the cooker today, which involved a hob being on and very hot indeed, and my going too near it. Or to put it another way I am now the not-so-proud owner of one singed eyebrow and one set of singed eyelashes. This isn't good people. I think I can actually feel the left side of my face mocking my right. The left side has lashes, the right side has ashes. Oh the humility. Though I am undoubtedly exaggerating (as one sometimes does to make one's menial day to day going ons sound moderately entertaining). My eyelashes aren't THAT bad, just a tad shorter than they used to be, which should be disguisable with the appropriate amount of mascara. My right eyebrow is still intact, it's just it now has a few wizened hairs that don't seem to know what hit them.

I'm still in the process of ploughing through the never-ending pile of work I have to do, which is affecting my sanity somewhat. I went to Co-op earlier as I'd run out of food. I came back and put all my grocery items on the kitchen bench and went to put the empty plastic bags in the fridge. No, I don't know why either, but at least it gave me a chuckle.

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