2002-04-29 | 9:29 p.m.

Back at school. Tired and feeling apathetic. Don't want to do any revision, especially since Harry Enfield's just come on. Tim nice but dim. Hehehe.

Gary/Amadeo phoned me last night and we talked for quite a while. Was nice. He has his labret pierced (sort of just under his bottom lip). I happen to find that *very* nice indeed too :)

I still don't have very much to say in here really. I have a completely full week this week - it's 2 of my friends' 18th birthdays and so lots is going on for that.

The Jerry Springer lookalike came into work again tonight. I'm not sure if I've mentioned him before but he comes to the jewellery counter to try on watches quite often (well ok, twice), and the resemblence is absolutely striking. I'd never be as rude as to say anything to him though. Hehe.

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