Epiphytes. hahaha
2002-06-20 | 9:18 p.m.

Well. Today has been full. A unique day in itself atchly.

This evening I went to see my grandfather's headstone. He died last September y'see, so me, my mum and my gran (and no, a bucket of vindaloo was NOT involved) took a walk up to the church in the village they lived in. It overlooks this huge field filled with bright red poppies, which is kinda really nice :)

Exams today = good.

Edexcel - the fuckers - had an announcement rushed in over an error in the history paper, though it wasn't part of the section of the paper we were doing, so phew. It went just fine.

Biology was fine too. Loads of little questions and extended answers on why the destruction of the tropical rain forest should be stopped, eutrophication (eeeeeasy-peasy!) and the pros and cons of organic farming. So yeah, that was good!

I've been taking Ibuprofen for my repetitive strain injury. In five days' time I will never have to write again. I mean, except when I'm filling out damages labels at work, when I'm writing in my handwritten diary and of course, if/when I get into uni.

One more exam left! And four days in which to revise for it!

Then my friends, for the rest of the summer all that lies ahead is freedom.

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