Bad thoughts, bad thoughts (whatcha gonna do when they come for you?)
2002-09-13 | 4:13 p.m.

I got in from going shopping just now, and being the environmentally friendly person I am (not to mention lazy - I can't be arsed to wait around for buses) I travelled there and back by bike. It was as I was hurtling down my drive that in a split second I had an eeevil thought. There was a cat (who's called Tiger and about 18) laying in the middle of the drive, with his back to me, and I thought hmm, what would happen if I rode over him? Of course I didn't, and personally I even feel guilty at killing insects, but I can't say I wasn't curious at how squashed he would be.

Curiosity killed the cat. Or didn't, in this case.

I was meant to be going out to look for presents for my brother's and my dad's birthdays (What DO you get for a man who's about to turn 50 whose only suggestion for a present is 'socks'?). But no, I selfishly bought things for myself, including jewellery (it's 20% off at Argos this weekend, folks), two white bras (I am fed up of having only one white bra and having to wear my pink one with white tops), a pair of white knickers (that came free with one of the bras), five pairs of socks (as I'm wearing odd socks again, quelle surprise...) and a top (which has a popper on it - ooh!).

I haven't eaten yet today as I'm STILL full up from last night's Indian. I think I must have consumed about three days' worth of food in a single sitting. Oh dear... Yet I'm going out for another meal tonight with some friends. I suppose I could always skip the food and just order a jug of Sex on the Beach for mememe. And I can tell you in advance that I'm probably going to be considerably bladdered tonight. Oh that's a nice change then, isn't it? Rarr...

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