2002-11-21 | 6:51 p.m.

Today I got a pink letter from one of my personal tutors demanding to know the reason for my absence from last week's seminar on the Crisis of the Monarchies.

'Continued failure to meet your obligations will lead to further and more serious disciplinary action.'

Oh fuck off you bearded cunt. I missed one (ONE!) tedious boring seminar that I wouldn't have learnt anything from anyway.

Apathy towards my work has hit an all time low. Tonight I need to finish a presentation complete with a handout for 15 people, more seminar work, and write an entire assignment from scratch. All for tomorrow.

I would have done some work earlier, only I fell asleep before the lunchtime Neighbours and slept through to 5.00 pm. Again. The whole vodka and Redbull saga rendered me wide awake until 7.00am that morning, and my sleeping pattern a pile of cock.

And I would have done some work last night but I chose to watch The Autopsy, undertaken by some seedy German geezer in a comical hat. It was ok until he started pulling blood clots out of the autopsee's heart, and then cut off the top of his head, announced, "Zis is ze brain!" took it out and began slicing it up as if it were a loaf of bread.

The only thing that's keeping me going is the fact that it's the weekend tomorrow. The weekend the weekend the weekend the weekend....ahh.

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