I'm keeping all the pain inside
2003-02-07 | 12:10 p.m.

Tra la laaaa... We have a house! A real house! It's cushty, it really is. Seven bedrooms, a lounge the size of a football pitch (yes, yes, I'm exaggerating), with cable tv, cleaner once a week and all bills inclusive for �49 a week. Supoib.

So that's that sorted. It would be one of those too good to be true thingies only I don't think it's in the nicest area of Leicester, and we've been warned not to walk around on our own at night there (but should you walk around on your own at night anywhere, hmm?). It's on a street that has its own mosque and so three times a day chants of 'Come and pray! Come and pray!' can be heard, but we have double glazing anyway.

I was trying so hard to be good this term and go to all my lectures but I only managed a week and a half. On Wednesday morning I had a half 9 lecture with the Where's Wally lecturer and decided that it would be far more beneficial to stay in bed and watch Trisha.

I also cracked from the no alcohol thing and spent last night drinking vast amounts of wine, which made me happy and I refused to worry about the consequences it would have on my bladder today. I tried to drink lots of water after getting in, but made the mistake of attempting this once I was lying in bed, so I somehow managed to pour a bottle of fizzy water up my nose and it stung like a whole fucking nest of bees. My cystitis is either on its way out or I'm just getting used to it as I no longer have the constant urge to pee. Although that may be because I'm dehydrated from last night's wine.

I don't actually have any lectures today - I just thought I'd come into uni and download some stuff for a tutorial I have next week. Unfortunately the Internet is distracting me and I'll probably end up getting the relevant material an hour before it's due.

And that, folks, is all I have to say for now. Blessed be.

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