It's true it's true it's true!
2003-08-17 | 5:48 p.m.

You're Mrs. Jack Sparrow!
You've got yourself Captain Jack Sparrow! Mmm, rum
and dirtiness!

On Pirates of the Caribbean, is your mate Will or Jack?
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You are a Rabid Jack fan. You love the Khol, and the drunkeness, and the swagger, but you take it a little too far
You're a rabid Jack Sparrow fan. You love his khol,
drunken manner, and all around sexiness, but
you take it a little *too* far

Are you a rabid Pirates of the Caribbean fangirl?
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rum fool
Your quote is "...but why is the rum

Which of Jack Sparrow's Quotes are You? {Pirates of the Caribbean}
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