Get those animals out on the arky arky
2003-11-28 | 9:33 a.m.

Sweet Jesus I'm in pain.

Cystitis Relief may thoroughly relieve the symptoms for a couple of days but does it make it bloody go away? Hell no!

Do you know how many times I've been to the toilet this morning? No, me neither, although I guarantee it has been no less than ten. All that comes out is small amounts of sulphuric acid (feels like). Not only is there the pain factor but there's also the immense discomfort. Think to a time when you've been unbelievably desperate to pee but had to hold it in. That's how I feel CONSTANTLY. I feel like my bladder is pulsating because it's so full yet when I try to empty it nothing happens.


I obviously have an extremely low pain threshold. God help me if I ever experience childbirth. The reason I've mentioned childbirth is because a friend of mine I've known my whole life and his girlfriend had their first child in the early hours of this morning. The baby's last name is Starling so I'm a bit disappointed they named it Joshua rather than Joseph (think about it..!). That would have been hilarious. Still, this gives me even more reason to go a-visiting over Christmas.

I think I'm going to spend the rest of the day sitting on the toilet. I can just tell my weekend's going to be a BARREL of laughs.

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