The past few days and 10 Weird Things
2008-03-10 | 8:29 p.m.

I came back from work this afternoon to find that my brother had paid us a fleeting visit on his return from Malaga, and had not only used up all the hot water by having a bath, but had also eaten the dinner I'd saved for myself in the fridge.

I don't think he did this out of cruelty however, as he said he thought it'd been left for him, and has offered to buy me some beer as a replacement, (because that will really soothe my growling innards).

I had an entertaining enough weekend which involved going out for steno-mate Alexis's birthday in London (and kareoke, though I'm glad to say I was just an observer) on Friday and staying over hers in Greenwich, as I seem to find it a huge mission to get myself home after an evening of boozing in the capital and have thus far on my attempts to get back over the past year ended up in Leyton, Cambridge, Letchworth and Baldock, none of which being where my lovely home and cosy bed is - more's the pity.

I better watch it though as tomorrow evening I have a pub quiz Old Bailey style - it is actually being held there, which is slightly strange, though I suppose it's more weird that some of the judges actually LIVE there. Talk about lazy (oh...I'm just jealous).

At work The Barrister continues to bestow various gifts on me. Today it was a few days' old newspaper with a big picture of Frank Lampard on it (complete with Post It note message, calling me Sara yet again) as myself and the court clerk had been discussing his many charms (Lampard's, not The Barrister's). Throughout last week I received yet more more delicious chocolate and yogurt-coated raisins, dried mango pieces and also some Maoam bars. I actually hope I don't get any sweets this week as I don't really want all my teeth to have rotted down to mere stumps by my 24th birthday.

Ooh, just to finish off, I remember I got tagged by Jo to think of 'Ten weird things' about myself. So this will bring today's entry to a joyous conclusion.

1) Following on in a toothy frame of mind, when I was a kid my two top front milk teeth were horrendous. One was green and one was grey, due to my falling over in the garage as a two-year-old, cleverly having my hands in my pockets at the time.

2) I can touch my nose with my tongue.

3) When I cry, my hazel eyes appear nearly completely green (must be something to do with water and light reflection).

4) When I was 13, two school friends and I saw the image of Jesus Christ in a large mud splatter on a door.

5) I suffer recurring nightmares about being on a plane and something being wrong with it.

6) I also sometimes suffer from sleep paralysis - normally during REM your brain stops your body from moving so you don't act your dreams out. Sleep paralysis is where there's a blip and you wake but are completely unable to move for a few minutes. It's horrible, especially so if you have have your covers stuck over your face making it hard to breathe but can't move them.

7) I am scared of dragonflies.

8) I quite like eating frozen oven chips whilst they're still frozen.

9) I once went blind in the shower for about five minutes.

10) In November 2002 for no real reason I mentioned Billy Connolly in this diary. The next day, I bumped into him coming out of Woolworths in Leicester.

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